6 Common Bad Practices

6 Most Common Bad Practices Of The Web Design Industry

Most Common Bad Practices of The Web Design Industry

Over the years we have seen many websites come and go, and with that, we have noticed common bad practices that inhibit their ability to perform well on the search engine results page (SERP). In this blog, we will dive into the 6 most common bad practices that we see all the time to ensure that you keep these in mind so you can avoid repeating the same mistakes others do.

Lack of CTAs:

One of the issues we see is a lack of call-to-actions, through your site, you should be directing your users to a new action, there should always be something that you want your users to do next whether it be signing up for a newsletter or learning more about your services. There should always be a next step so make sure that you have CTAs around your site and make them clear.

Pages Optimised for “Home”:

Another big issue we see is quite often people will come to us with sites saying “We have some people doing SEO” or something along those lines only to find out that their homepage is optimised for the word “home”. The meta title is seen as one of the most important parts of the SEO optimising stage and is often one of the first things we do. So ensure that your homepage meta tag is optimised for something related to your business and something that people are going to be searching for to find your products or services.

Site Speed:

Google, now more then ever are focusing on site speed as one of the main ranking factors and a lot of sites that we get to look at are quite slow. While there are a lot of things that play a role in the speed of a site here are some things that you can control: serving images in Webp format, ensuring you compress any images that you upload, Don’t including any full-page banners. There a great report done by Google that’s completely free known as the Lighthouse report you can use this to identify other areas where you can improve your site speed.

Up-to-Date Content:

We have seen a lot of site and a lot of them share another big thing in common, they host out-of-date content. Too often we look at sites and find the last blog they made was in 2022. Another key ranking factor of Google is relevancy, if your page is up-to-date and relevant to what the user is looking for your site is more likely to show your site high in search results. Also ensure that the content you post is relevant, timely and high-quality written for humans-by humans is the theme of the latest Google updates.

Visible Prices:

When we do our competitor research we notice that there is one major thing that’s missing from most of their sites and that’s the prices of their services or hourly rate. We don’t know why this has become common in the industry but giving your users the necessary information on your website can help seriously in the buyer’s journey, especially in the decision stage. So try to include a price in your services section, even if it’s just a “from” price.

Negating The Importance of SEO:

There are around 8.5 billion searches a day and SEO is the key to acquiring a portion of those. Negating your SEO is never good, SEO is the act of optimising your website for keywords in order to rank high and gain organic traffic. SEO not only allows you to rank high but can also bring great benefits to your users.

In this blog, we have covered 6 of the most common bad practices we see all the time in hopes that we can help you avoid repeating the same mistakes that others have. For assistance with resolving these issues contact us at [email protected].

Happy Web Designing!


Marketing Director

Adam Reeves

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